Saturday, July 17, 2010


Screen shot from

After seeing Inception last night, I think Christopher Nolan might have just become my favorite director. The movie was mind-blowing to say the least, and I definitely need to see it again just so I can sort out the details of the film. Everything was done really well, especially the special effects. I particularly liked the parts where Ellen Page's character was manipulating the dream world and messing with the physics. It's a good thing that they didn't take this too far though, like a totally alien world. They also made excellent choices in casting as everyone was in top form. I'm glad I decided to go out and see it rather than staying in.

One thing that I will carry on from my livejournal is posting any interesting dreams that I have. The one I had last night wasn't anything too crazy though, although Inception definitely influenced it with their closed-loop maze concept and changing physics. There was some sort of event going on at a version of McMaster that switched from being outside to inside, and somehow I lost my shoes during it. Then I found myself scrambling to get to my genetics exam that was taking place in a giant maze-like library full of those study carrels. I ended up in the wrong sections several times before finally finding a seat. I woke up after that.

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