Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mega Man

That is the amazing trailer for a Korean Mega Man 2D side-scrolling MMO. Seriously, that should somehow turn into an animated series as well.

I don't remember what the first Mega Man game I played was, but I believe it was on the GameGear, which I still have lying around somewhere. I always sucked at the games though, except for the one I had on my cellphone where I defeated all of the robot masters. Then I couldn't figure out how to damage the final boss.

The 90s cartoon is probably my fondest memory of Mega Man though. Looking back at it now and watching it on the DVD collection I bought a while back, it was definitely cheesy. Despite that, it's still somehow better than the NT Warrior anime. In fact, I think poor Mega Man's gone a bit downhill as of late. It looks like they are trying to bring him back to his roots though with 9 and 10.

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